Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about SmartMax.

Where can I buy SmartMax?

You can buy SmartMax online via our official online stores:
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France & Germany: GamesBySmart.com
United Kingdom: SmartToysAndGames.co.uk
United States: SmartToysAndGames.com

If you prefer brick and mortar shops, you can use our online store locator and find the nearest SmartGames dealer:
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France & Germany: GamesBySmart.com/en/dealers
United Kingdom: SmartToysAndGames.co.uk/dealers
United States: SmartToysAndGames.com/dealers

I want to download a Challenge Booklet

Challenge Booklets are available as PDF downloads at every product page and on our Downloads page.

How do I clean SmartMax Toys?

The corona pandemic has made it crucial to clean toys more often. Especially in day-care and schools, this is very important. How to make sure they no longer contain bacteria? We’ll tell you in this blog.

Look at the material.

When you want to clean toys, you have to consider the material. Plastic toys require a different method of cleaning than wooden toys. Smartmax toys are made of plastic. Plastic parts can be cleaned with a damp cloth. If you want to disinfect the toy you can also use a damp cloth containing a bit of Dettol. 


  • Use the disinfectant the faces of the toys

  • Place the SmartMax parts in the dishwasher

  • Rinse SmartMax parts in a bucket of water

  • Using too much water when cleaning SmartMax parts