My First Acrobats
Create fun acrobatic figures with six colourful, magnetic shapes. My First Acrobats is ideal for kids as young as 1,5 and helps improve hand-eye coordination. Are your kids getting little a bit older? Perfect! Time for them to learn how to bring the 24 acrobatic construction cards to life by recreating them! Bonus: My First Acrobats won various awards in Europe this year such as “Toy of the Year” in Belgium and the Netherlands and the “Lover by Parents” award in the UK.
My First Acrobats: ages 1.5 – 5
Beep. Boop. Who said robots aren’t flexible? Get creative and make your own colourful, crazy robots. The new, flexible, extendable magnetic bars add an extra dimension to the SmartMax playset. Choose your parts, bend, extend, assemble, and play! Will your robot fly, jump, grab, wobble, or drive? The twelve-piece set including inspirational poster helps develop fine motor skills and stimulates fantasy. Mr. Claus adores these new flexible friends.
Roboflex: ages 3+

SmartMax Start Plus
Learning how to count, recognise colours and to build 2/3D constructions in a playful way. No wonder SmartMax Start Plus has made it to Santa’s top tips for kids! The Start Plus set comes with new, fresh colours and helps improve hand-eye coordination. Small children will love the magnetic power of attraction and repulsion of the 23 different parts. Older children will be challenged to create more and more complex constructions. What will you be building?
SmartMax Start Plus: ages 1 - 6