Clean your toys
Time to get cleaning! Make sure to clean them thoroughly so they look fresh again for passing on. Read more here on how to best clean your SmartMax toys. Make sure to leave your cleaned toy overnight, so you can doublecheck the following day if there is more dirt that needs cleaning. This way, your SmartMax toys will be nice, hygienic, and shiny for the next toddler to play with. And it gives you a better chance to see in which state these magnetic toys are in.
Make sure sets are complete
After having selected the toys, you are ready to part with, check if your toys are still complete. Do all My First Animals still have a head and a bottom piece? Are there still enough bars to connect those pieces? Are all balls still there? Are all puzzle pieces and challenge cards for My First Totem still there? Also check if there are traces of heavy usage. If anything is missing, or if a part is too worn out, you can always order this part via the SmartMax contact page.

Set your price
After having cleaned them and checked if they are complete or not too worn down, you can go ahead and start thinking about pricing. Easiest way to put a value on your items is to search the internet. Find out how much the toy would cost if you bought it new, and then go on online shops to compare prices with the state of the toy. You can use those prices as a guideline for what you can ask. Have a of the minimum price you would like to get from the toy in mind but resist overpricing: people won’t buy items if they cost too much.
Passing toys on
If you are selling or giving away your toys online, make sure to read the selling conditions before listing your items. People are sensitive to nice-looking pictures. It’s worthwhile to take your time to create good looking pictures that make your items shine. And of course: honesty last longest. Be honest about the conditions the toys are in. Don’t hide damage on the images or in the description. Make sure you also put a picture of the wear and tear online, so people don’t feel deceived later. A good online listing also has a qualitative description: make sure to name the item correctly and to use words that people who would want to buy this type of product in your description (e.g., “use magnetic toys for toddlers”). When writing your description, keep your target group in mind: what would parents find important and valuable to know about this toy to consider it? Biggest challenge is to put all these things in a text that is not too long.
Once you have made your preparations, don’t forget to advertise your items on sale! Use your social media to announce the garage sale or to share the link to your listing. You can always ask your friends to reshare for more impact.
Happy passing your toys on!

More information and sources:
Brian Martucci (26 April 2022). How to Have a Successful Garage Sale – Ultimate Guide. Money Crashers.
Heather Moritz (2018). Garage Sale Prep Checklist. Mortiz Fine Designs.
Erin Huffstetler (29June2015). Printable Yard Sale Pricing Guide. My Frugal Home.
Rosie Greaves (13 September 2022). How to Sell Toys Online (Feb 2023): A Beginner’s Guide. Ecommerce platforms.
Christian Cawley (18 January 2019). 9 Tips for Making the Most Money When Selling Old Toys. MUO.
Lauren Greutman (4 April 2021). Best Ways to Sell Used Toys Online. Lauren Cobello.