Subtle touch
Effortless ways to incorporate your toddler’s toys in your Holiday decorations if by using smaller toys or pieces in your Christmas tree as ornaments. Attach a little thread to your toys and hang them together with your kids! We tried it with the SmartMax My First Animals and Vehicles. Simply put a sturdy thread or ribbon between the “headpiece” and the magnet et Voilà! You have an original, kid-friendly ornament! The metal plate and the magnet should be strong enough to keep the ribbon in place.
Another fun way to use SmartMax as decoration, is to use the magnets to put up Christmas and Holiday cards on your fridge. We used the SmartMax Reindeer to keep it in holiday theme, but you can also use red and green bars.
We used My First Animal Train as decoration for under the Christmas tree (but you can also easily put it on your cupboards or windowsills). We replaced the train conductor with a Santa figurine and placed colourful (child-friendly) Christmas ornaments in the train wagons. Double benefits: your smallsters can play with it and it looks good in your decorated house!

Table piece or Christmas Wreath
Prepping for a big family holiday dinner? Usually, table centre pieces to not survive the end of the evening on the kid’s table. So why not create one with your little ones to go on their table and that can be played with? The only thing you need, are SmartMax bars and balls from the build collection! We first created an ovular 2D shape by using these bars and balls (you can also use a plate or something to help you get a round-ish shape). Then we put as much green-coloured bars as we could find and covered the balls completely with them, so they would look like Fir branches. Then we put various, red-coloured ornaments in the middle of the Christmas wreath. You can put in there red-coloured toys, which kids can play with after dinner. You can also make a table runner by instead of making it a round or oval shape, make it straight. You can also put this on your low furniture or windowsill.
Go all out!
In need of something more challenging? Why not build a SmartMax Christmas tree to go in our kids’ bedroom or play corner? There are numerous ways to build a festive tree! The trick is to have a solid base, and make sure you reinforce your frames with diagonal bars to keep it steady. Once you have a steady base, you can go crazy and add more bars or embellishments!
How would you use your kids’ toys as decoration for the festive season? Let us know via @smartmaxsocial !