1. Tantrums and screaming fits
You will have a hard time believing this. Tantrums are a sign that your toddlers trust and love you. These fits show that your kids feel comfortable being themselves around you and that they feel secure showing their feelings. Also, bad behaviour is usually an attempt to get your attention. Just to show how important you are for your pre-schooler.
2. Adventure time!
Small kids are constantly discovering the world around them. It’s fun to watch. What’s even greater, is that they love to share their findings (no matter how small) with you. Children learn to feel good about themselves by sharing new things with their loved ones. So, every time they pull your sleave or yell ‘look at me’ to show something they’ve seen, smelled, felt, or tasted is a sign of love.

3. Love you when you’re gone
When your kid hates it when you leave, that’s a sign of love! Toddlers feel secure when they know their parents are around (also because their survival depends on it). If you are about to leave, your pre-schooler will try their best to stall your department. That’s because they really value their time with you and hate to see their time with you reduced.
4. Little charmers
Toddlers show you that you’re special by giving you small gifts. This can be something small, like a hand full of sand, a crazy SmartMax animal they created, or even a piece of pretend cake. Kids have learned this behaviour by watching loved ones or people who are rewarded getting gifts and want to share love themselves.
5. Monkey see, monkey do
Another sign that your toddlers feel affection for you, is when they copy your behaviour. This is usually hilarious and adorable. Your little copycats adore you and will copy even more elaborate behaviour, like pretending to yell at the driver in a pretend-traffic jam, put on reading glasses, pretending to pick up the phone, … They do this because you are their idol!
How do you know your kid loves you? Let us know via @smartmaxsocial !